Everything you need to know about Wizard101 by Ashley Fairyfriend with the help of her photographers Emily Emerald, Maria Fairyfriend, Marcus Storm, Miguel Drake and Bailey Fairyfriend.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ok, now you got what you wanted to (READ) (Changed)

Ok, guys, if I'm going to turn into the evil monster in a film then I'll quit blogging, allthough I love doing it. I've already said sorry, I won't copy any more, but if people continue blogging SO nastily about me, then I will. And I will hate every single blog about Wizard101. I am just a little girl who still goes to primary school. I can't help getting angry. PEOPLE I AM ANGRY WITH EVERYONE NOW!!
Bye. If I don't see any comment or following person for a time period, then I'll quit blogging. Sorry, I am too angry now!
Sorry for the bad mood, and sorry for the last part. I was just really angry. Sorry, I think I was kind of persuading you to comment or follow. Today when I woke up, I thought about this and thought I was rrreeeaaalllllyyy crazy!!!


  1. Well I read(well try to read every blog each day) all the blogs with new post, and comment to them if i liked the topic, or if i have time. so dont feel bad if you dont see a lot of comments.

  2. I realize I haven't been the nicest to you about this issue, but now that I understand what happened, I've deleted my mean post, and would be happy to add you to my blog roll. I really hope you continue blogging; despite a rookie mistake, you seem to rly love this game, and Merle knows we need good bloggers.


    B. Stormthief

  3. Look, I forgive you for copying from my posts. I don't really care actually unless if you showed some credit. And honestly you shouldn't be copying because if you wanna show everybody that your original then make your posts original. Just like how I do mines. So in the future if you find a blogger's post just helpful and you post it on your blog just put 'I got this from (name here) and I posted it on my blog because I think its very helpful' and make more original posts. It's better to be yourself in blogging than copying :)

  4. Do you know what I think? I think you should keep blogging. But when you blog, use your own ideas. Don't cheat by taking others hard earned posts! That's the only reason people are mad at you! If you use your own ideas and experiences, then no one can get mad at you. I know how hard it is to make a blog, when it's your first, but I did it, and after just a while you can get a lot of followers. Yours has been out for only a few months, and already you have 11 followers! And if you want to use someone elses picture here and there, say that it was from that person, and put a link to their website. It's that easy! If you want to delete this post, then fine, but at least I'll know you read it. I hope you won't hate me (or any other bloggers) for posting this.

  5. Yes do keep blogging :) Like i said, I just started blogging, And My friends are giving me tips! :) So I will give you tips for your blog too :D And good luck :)


You can write anything if it's refered to Wizard101, but no insults or bad words, just friendly comments.