Everything you need to know about Wizard101 by Ashley Fairyfriend with the help of her photographers Emily Emerald, Maria Fairyfriend, Marcus Storm, Miguel Drake and Bailey Fairyfriend.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Can I Do The Test of The Spheres?

Hi all, and I am here to let you know how you can do the Test of the Spheres. Many of you know this already, but there is people who can't understand some things about it.

When you enter the dungeon and Astraeus

Ok, when you enter the Test of the Spheres go to the left first, it's easier. The challenge the of first thing you see at your left is that you have to interact with everything you can. Then you find a lot of alien faces (lol) and you have to turn them until they are all looking at each other. Then comes the orb part. (That's the hard one!) and what you have to do is touch the first one you see, then the one in front of that one, then the one to the left of that one and then the one to the right and it will unlock the chamber to Astraeus. I don't know why, you can't stop Astraeus' glitch. He will do it allthough you do the impossible to stop him.

 After Astraeus and the Moon guy who I don't know his name

If you aren't soloing, then make someone stand in front of the Moon guy's door and while you are running teleport to that friend in front of the door and keep running until you are already in the other side. (That's a really cool glitch). But if you ARE soloing, hmm.........(dots extending out for like ever)... then call a friend lol. BUT if you haven't got any friend on... Then you are unlucky (lol it was a joke) then defeat all the monsters who are there and pick up the silver chests that appear and give the shields to the four statues near the Moon guy. While defeating the Moon guy, if he puts any shields on put blades on because that way he will delete his own shields. But watch out! He will take revenge when you attack him so try to kill him in one hit.

 After the Moon guy who I don't know his name and Mythraya

Interact with all the mirrors and AFTER (the after word is really important :P) you pick up all the golden chests and then give the swords to the OTHER statues near Mythraya's chamber. And... I don't remember really what did you have to do to keep her not glitching so... And a VERY helpful tip... She's always trying to make you fizzle so... I don't know... Maybe you should carry some noob spells. Anyway, as I am a Theurgist I always have more accuracy than others so I just go and cast my spells without caring about the fizzle charms. Life wizards rock! :)


Comment if you know about Mythraya's glitches and the Moon guy's name too hehe

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