Everything you need to know about Wizard101 by Ashley Fairyfriend with the help of her photographers Emily Emerald, Maria Fairyfriend, Marcus Storm, Miguel Drake and Bailey Fairyfriend.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thanks to everyone and sorry again, hehe.

OK, I really enjoyed reading all those friendly comments. (Exept for two nasty ones...) Now that I read all the comments, I am COMPLETELY sorry. I promise I will continue blogging without copying, and if I copy, I will request permission AND give credits to the person who originally wrote that. Thank you. Thanks thanks thanks. Sorry for the bad mood in the post before, and I have learned from my error. My blog will be original and non-copied from now on. I really loved all the comments!! I am going to change some posts again right NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Thanks for forgiving me people!!!!!!!!!
And please comment from now on if something about my blog bothers you.
Today when I woke up I thought about the post before and I thought I was RRREEEAAALLLLLLYYY crazy!!! I'm sorry I kinda persuaded you to comment or follow, I was just too angry... :(


  1. This is an idea for your blog: Whenever you answer a question, post the question and not just the answer.

  2. Not angry at all now :) keep blogging and good luck! :D

  3. Ashley, the W101 is quick to fire up, but also fairly quick to forgive. These past couple of posts have shown that yes, you have potential as a W101 blogger, past oversights aside.

    Now the hard part begins, and I wish you well.

  4. Hey, I'm M.W.S (Sorcerer of the Spiral). Your a new blogger, I've heard some stuff about the incident via Wizard101 Community, but all that is the past.

    I'm happy to have you on my blogger's club list.


  5. Don't worry. There was (some) outrage, when we found out about it, though most of us realized that you really were new to blogging, and didn't know that what you were doing was wrong (at least I did). I, honestly, am a firm believer of copying being the sincerest form of flattery, and I would be quite happy if you copied off me (didn't check). Anyways, keep up the good work, and I'll be stopping in to see how your blog goes occasionally :)



You can write anything if it's refered to Wizard101, but no insults or bad words, just friendly comments.