Everything you need to know about Wizard101 by Ashley Fairyfriend with the help of her photographers Emily Emerald, Maria Fairyfriend, Marcus Storm, Miguel Drake and Bailey Fairyfriend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WHAT?!?!?!?! Part 4

So it happened to Logan Soulsinger too!! But with other pets, Forest Lord and Judge!! And he got a Crop Watcher... (It's cool anyway)
But oh no... The Judge caused this with 2 different pets.... When I hatched it with my Phoenix I got a Fire Wyvern... So

Is it the Judgement the one who is failed? Or is it a bug?

Uh oh, I have a Balance!! It would be bad if Judge was failed... Comment if that happened to you...
But if it happened to you with other pets, then REALLY COMMENT!!!

But anyway, there are some people who have the Austral Judge and the Firey Judge!! But are the ones who have them only Balance? Oh no, so many doubts now...

1 comment:

  1. it happened to me a phoenix mixed with judge got fiery wyvern also i have a therory. balance is a mix of fire ice and storm. so naturally the mixes could be a little mixed up


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